Várak-Várromok-Kastélyok (Hadviselés) Lovagi Kultúrák és Kézifegyverek

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queuePalya Bea (és Etnofon Zenei Társulás) - Szőke A...59294 viewsMimice0524 ...
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February 10, 2010

Trailer: Clash Of The Titans

Most people know at least a bit about Greek mythology. It's common to mix up the names of  original Olympian pantheon with those of their later Roman re-imaginings but the key stories inform everything from Star Wars to those Sunday afternoon guilty pleasure Sinbad flicks.

Although, now I think about it, that's not very far.

In this retooling of the kitschy 1981 classic the denizens of Olympus are portrayed by a conclave of proper British thesps. The actor 'giving us his Perseus' his time around  is the suddenly ubiquitous Sam Worthington. He's taking on a variety of nasties, some of which appear to have been inspired by Guillermo Del Toro's eyeless horrors from Pan's Labyrinth

Chief among them though is a postively humungous scorpion that - although I'm sure my respected colleague Mary Beard may be able to find some classical antecedent  - reminds one of nothing so much as Scorponok from Transformers.

While we're on the subject I'm pretty sure the Kraken is from Norse mythology...

Anyway, that's enough from me. See what you think:

Below is a selection of production stills, including one behind-the-scenes shot that should reassure you that there are some big practical sets on this thing, not just 300-style CGI antiquities:


2010.-évi filmbemutatók is: Clash of the Titans

7 Apr 2008 ... Between the desks were the white suits and helmets that are known to Star Wars
aficionados the world over as the uniform of the Imperial ...

Hadászat és Játék


Hoi muad-dib!


11. lőfegyver jellege: sörétes lőfegyver (huzagolatlan hosszú), golyós lőfegyver
(huzagolt hosszú), maroklőfegyver (rövid), 7,5 joule vagy annál kisebb ...

A pénisz külső végén a laza bőr redőt képez, ez az un. fityma. Lankadt
állapotban a fityma rendszerint befedi és védi a pénisz csúcsát, a makkot. Az
erekció ...


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